Monday, August 7, 2017, ϟ 0 shout(s)

我最近开始喜欢上一个人。 我说不上她有什么吸引我的地方,但就是会忍不住想着她在干什么。 她,很不一样。 她很美,就像每个人心目中,那种脱俗,清新,自然 ,不食人间烟火的那种女人。 围绕着她的神秘感,让她在很多女生中脱颖而出。 她的眼睛,一直在审视着围绕她的人。 她的一举一动,言行举止,都透漏着她的小心。 也许她是个表面很擅长交际,内心很怕她的言语会伤害到别人的一个人。 这样的她,真的很可爱。 我,单身了很久。 久到,有没有别人陪伴都无所谓。 但是,这次,也许我感受到那份久违的关心。 我想看到她笑, 我想要她很开心。 我想要她每天起床想的第一件事情,就是想着有一个人,很关心她。 也许,我们根本都不会在一起。 我不在乎。 但是,我想要你知道, 你筑起的那道心墙,我可以迈开脚步的走进去,不再让你孤独。 我会很努力,很努力的, 让你不再寂寞,不再孤单。

有时候,我会想。 那个很忙的你。 还会来这儿逛逛吗? 我知道你会很好。 因为有那个爱你的男人, 和你在那遥远国度, 生活。 而我在这寂寞的城市, 只是在生存。 我很听话, 我勇敢爱了, 但,却发现, 我,无能为力。 她没有不好,只是她不能够理解,不能够感受。 她不明白,我不责怪。 曾经有那么一次。 我心动了,却发现, 她不是那个我想找的。 她只是我喜欢的 而这不是爱, 我没有那种想见到她的冲动, 也没有那种奋不顾身都要保护着她的感觉。 但是你别担心。 我很好。 当我别想到爱情。 我就很好。
Tuesday, October 21, 2014, ϟ 0 shout(s)

Monday, October 14, 2013, ϟ 0 shout(s)

Crying is not an option , is great to let your feelings out but , if I'm that guy , I'll try my best to not make you cry baby

I'll spend the whole day just to sit at the cafe looking at you , and I'm not afraid of boring , because you're my world , and I'm keeping track of my world , therefore I won't be boring at all 

I would like to test forever with you , because I know that's not true , and I'm willing to create the legacy of forever with you 

ϟ 0 shout(s)

The stars are shinning , at that night we met , but that's not important , because I'm focus on you and you're brighter then the star , for me . 

Loving someone is doing something you don't like to do . Acting like someone else , but in mind , you like it , in some extend you enjoyed it . Because of love . 

I like standing at the rain plainly because it's so refreshing . And I like to share this moment with you , i wanna share my favourite moment with the love of my life , disregarding you'll fall sick or not . As long as you're willing to bare with that :(

Thank you , and sorry
Wednesday, August 14, 2013, ϟ 0 shout(s)

Have you ever react a point where you don't know how to use the word thank you or sorry ? These simple words in life seems so frequently used , and you got the thought that you think you may even mastered the meaning of it , but , what I think is that most of the time the most simple word have the most meaning , we can frequently used it because of that too . I believe :)

Sorry , makes people feel bad , in conclusion you did something wrong and asking for forgiveness. 
Thank you, most of the people can relate it to happy things , maybe appreciate the effort people make for you , maybe feel blessed because people give you a chance :) 

Did you ever encounter a situation where you are asking for forgiveness because appreciate the effort people make for you ? Will you say sorry or thank you ?

Or you make people feel bad because they gave up their chance and pass it to you ? Will you say sorry or thank you ? 

After all, it's you to judge which is more appropriate though:) 

Peace kur

Monday, August 12, 2013, ϟ 0 shout(s)









Sunday, August 11, 2013, ϟ 0 shout(s)

很快的,我们又到了人生的分水岭,看着一个又一个熟悉的面孔渐渐的离开。 很快的,我就知道,最好的分开,剩下祝福。 最照顾我的致强,最让我无奈的小杰,还有那个最爱的你,再见。 从此以后,我的不安只能留在心理。我的懦弱只有自己承受。 但,我会坚强,加倍坚强。 我仍然会想起我在打DOTA的时候的趣事。我在最冷落的时候的那些建议和安慰。 在下,铭记于心。

new past